The import process in Nigeria involves a number of steps.

At FAA-BURK, we offer comprehensive temporary importation services to support your business needs when it comes to bringing goods into a country temporarily. Temporary importation allows you to import goods for a specific purpose or duration without incurring customs duties or taxes, providing you with flexibility and cost savings.

Our experienced team is well-versed in the regulations and requirements of temporary importation. We work closely with customs authorities to ensure compliance with all necessary procedures, documentation, and timelines. Whether you require temporary importation for events, exhibitions, repairs, or other business purposes, we have the expertise to handle it.

At FAA-BURK, we understand the importance of temporary importation for your business operations. We provide end-to-end support, from initial consultation and documentation preparation to customs clearance and re-exportation. Our commitment to excellence and attention to detail ensures that your temporary importation needs are met efficiently and effectively.

By choosing our temporary importation services, you can benefit from:

  • Customs Expertise: Our knowledgeable team stays up-to-date with the latest customs regulations and procedures. We handle all necessary paperwork, including temporary import permits, customs declarations, and bonds, to ensure a smooth and compliant process.h
  • Cost Savings: Temporary importation allows you to avoid paying customs duties and taxes on goods that will be re-exported within a specified timeframe. This can result in significant cost savings for your business.
  • Flexibility: Temporary importation provides you with the flexibility to bring goods into a country for specific activities or events without the need for permanent importation. Once the goods have served their purpose, we facilitate their re-exportation, ensuring a seamless transition.
  • Time Efficiency: Our efficient handling of temporary importation procedures ensures that your goods are cleared through customs in a timely manner. We work closely with customs authorities to minimize delays and expedite the process.
  • Compliance and Risk Management: We ensure compliance with all legal and regulatory requirements associated with temporary importation. Our team conducts thorough risk assessments to identify potential issues and implement strategies to mitigate them, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free experience.

Trust FAA-BURK for your temporary importation requirements and benefit from our expertise, streamlined processes, and dedication to customer satisfaction. Focus on your core business activities while we take care of the temporary importation process, ensuring that you can operate seamlessly and cost-effectively in any country.

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Our process is one of the things that makes us very competitive in the logistic market.


Packaging and Storage

Our sufferance warehouses enable us to handle bonded cargo and the de-consolidation of containers. Operating our own warehouse means better cross-dock services, first hand data in case of a shipment shortage or discrepancy, as well as more flexibility in special circumstances such as after-hours pickup or delivery.


Safety & Quality

To provide at all time excellent, quality and acceptable engineering and environmental services that always conforms strictly with job prescription.


Prompt Delivery Of Goods

Ensuring efficient job execution and prompt delivery of goods by our experience and reliable Expertise. Taking pro-active measures that brings about creative and innovative solutions to technical problems at hand.